A selection of our most relevant case studies in the areas of design management, value engineering and pavement investigations. The following case studies give an appreciation for the detail of the work we specialise in and an outline of the benefits from our services.
Project Anvil Works Package E: Infrastructure for the arrival of the RAF's F-35 fleet
Design ManagementRunway resurfacing project with the installation of two EMAS arrestor beds
Design ManagementRunway resurfacing & airfield infrastructure improvements
Value EngineeringThe airport's first major runway resurfacing project since it opened in 1985
Value EngineeringProposed additional RET to reduce runway occupation time and increase movements
Value EngineeringIn-depth analysis into friction performance of newly laid Marshall asphalt
Pavement AssessmentInvetigation into structural capacity of 1969 concrete extionsion of 09L/27R
Pavement AssessmentJoint Programme Office (JPO) design review charettes