RAF Wittering Main Runway & AOS Refurbishment

Design Management

Project summary

RAF Wittering is home to the Royal Air Force’s elementary flying school training and base of the Grob Tutor family of single engine trainers. The station also supports a range of logistical oeprations and an expeditionary wing of the UK’s armed forces. The airfield’s runway last underwent a major refurbishment approximately twenty years ago and despite usage by relatively light aircraft, the runway supports occasional operations by the Air Mobility Force of the C17 and the A400M. This operational flexibility requried an extensive upgrade of the airfield operating surfaces. Pavements, AGL and associated infrastructure was replaced or upgraded inlcuding the resurfacing the main runway with Marshall Asphalt, the introduction of LED luminaires across the facility, the upgrading of two electrical B-centres and replacement of the approach lighting in both directions.

Scope of services

MOC Associates provided design management services to the principal contractor serving as the main point of contact between the client team and the designer. We organised the project to be fully BIM level 2 compliant, defining how the Common Data Environment (CDE) functioned to implement the Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s(DIO) BIM protocols. As the project’s information manager, we facilitated dialogue and made detailed records of the collaboration between the designer, DIO, RAF operations, squadron commanders, building control, communications specliasts, outside agencies (e.g. National Highways, Severn Trent Services) and contractor site teams. Dedicated 65% and 95% design review sessions, modelled on the American “charette” process, during the pre-construction phase ensured all parties had the opportunity to participate in the design. The success of this format allowed the contracotr to secure the required feedback and approvals in advance of construction while giving the DIO and its partners confidence in the maturity of the design.

Benefit to the contractor

MOC Associates has a long-established record of working on DIO projects and is a supplier of choice to a contractor on the airfield operating surfaces construction framework. We have in-depth knowledge of the military stakeholder environment and its requirements, and a well-established relationship with DIO’s specialists and technical support providers. Built up over many years, this knowledge and these relationships allow our contractor client mobilise design teams at short notice and deliver a consistent product over many years.

Summary of key points
  1. Successful implementation of BIM level 2 protocols for DIO and the principal contractor.
  2. Existing knowledge of client team and supply chain provided competitive edge in building military stakeholder relations.
  3. First project delivered under a 5+ year framework as a supplier of choice.